Service: Customer ServicesClosing Date: Tuesday 10th December Contract: Temporary for 23 monthsWe are looking to recruit a Project Assistant to take forward the development, implementation, management, review and reporting of a project to develop an electronic/ digital management system to enable Legal Services to update existing records management arrangements and organise a process to record, hold, research and retrieve all legal documentation such as title deeds, contracts and all other relevant materials.
This is a time limited project and will involve working closely with members of the Legal Services team and colleagues across Council services.
The successful candidate should have experience of working in a project environment and working with complex databases and systems.
The post will principally be based at the Council's Headquarters in Lochgilphead but there will be opportunities to work flexibly from time to time.
Further details on this can be obtained by contacting the Recruiting Manager.
Argyll and Bute Council recognises the numerous benefits of a positive work-life balance to the wellbeing and productivity of our employees.
We will take a flexible first approach to requests from our employees to change the way that they work.
While we must balance such requests with the need to ensure the quality of the important services we deliver is not compromised, we will ensure that each request is given careful consideration with a view to achieving a positive outcome wherever possible.Applicants should note that:-This post is not suitable for job shareThis is a temporary post which may be filled on a secondment basis by an employee wishing to gain experience/career development and will be at the discretion of the employee's director.To apply for this vacancy, please click on the Apply Now button at the top of this page.