Job summary:Responsibility forthe smooth, efficient and profitable running of the practice, and maintaining ahappy and committed team.Also keeping thepartners abreast of forthcoming changes in the NHS and giving them options forresponding to change.Personnel and trainingManagingthe administrative staff and non-clinical management of nursing staff,including securing funding and taking lead responsibility in staff appraisaland in organising recruitment selection and training.
Ensuringcontracts of employment are provided to all staff and that all relevantemployment legislation is followed.
Ensuring the practices employment policiesand procedures are comprehensive and up to date.Finance and profitabilityResponsibilityfor the bookkeeping, petty cash and other financial aspects of the practiceincluding payroll and NHS pension scheme arrangementsEnsuringthat all income and expenditure due to or made by the practice is received orrecorded in the accounts of the practice and preparing financial reports forthe partners.Information technologyResponsibilityfor the computer system including organising any maintenance and developmentsto the system.
Ensuring compliance with Data Protection legislation.Patient servicesImplementingand maintaining systems to receive patient enquiries and suggestions includingoversight of the practice based complaints procedure in conjunction with therelevant partner.
Reviewingand updating the practice information leaflet/website, practice publicity andhealth education material.
Future planning Preparinga practice business plan, annual report and practice aims and objectives asrequired by the partners Keepingabreast of developments within the NHS that might impinge on the practice orindividual partners and offering options for consideration by the partners.
Person Specification Qualifications Essential GCSE grade A to C in English and Maths Desirable Leadership management qualification