Vacancy InformationDHT/HT Salary Scale Point 5 (£71, per annum)Days and Hours of Work:Monday - FridayTo start 6th January .This is a unique and exciting opportunity to join the Senior Leadership Team of Dunbar Primary School with a remit of responsibility for The Cove Communication Provision.
The Cove was established in and currently accommodates 34 young people of primary age with autism, learning disability, communication disorders, high levels of sensory needs and anxiety.
The Cove Communication provision includes 5 classrooms, a Soft Play, a Sensory room, a kitchen and a garden space.
It also has access to a generous playground that wraps around the school offering a large grassy area, a quiet garden, a picnic area and a climbing area.
The pupils enjoy trips out of school to the local shops, nearby Bleachingfield Park, Dunbar Leisure Pool, Hallhill Sports Centre and the local library.
Excellent links have been established in the local community where opportunities to practice skills in a real life setting can be supported.
Pupils in The Cove have a place in their mainstream class and attend mainstream classes as best meets their needs.
This is either in the same campus or over at Lochend Campus which hosts the Primary 4-7 pupils.
The inclusion is meaningful and begins after close liaison with the teachers and families.
It is based on the needs, interests and strengths of the pupils and collaborate planned by all.
All pupils have an individualised educational programme of learning based on East Lothian's Curriculum Frameworks and CfE.
The focus for IEPs is on communication, independence, Health and Wellbeing and meaningful inclusion.
Partnership working is essential and many pupils have multi-agency plans that are created in collaboration with pupils, parents, staff and where necessary external agencies such as Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapy and CAMHS.
The Cove has evolved over the past 13 years and continues to make strong links with the families, other agencies, the mainstream classes and the community.
The whole focus is to have the child at the centre.
The Cove is nearing capacity and may be expanded.
It is ideally placed for an experienced ASN leader to take staff and pupils on to the next phase of an exciting and rewarding journey.Job DetailsThe role of a Depute Head Teacher is to assist and, where necessary, to deputise for the Head Teacher as required.
The role of the Head Teacher is, within the resources available, to conduct the affairs of the school to the benefit of the pupils and the community it serves, through pursuing objectives and implementing policies set by East Lothian Council under the overall direction of the Head of Education.Please download the Job Outline/Person Specification (available under '