AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) studentship – Informing our Heritage Future(s): Preserving our Digital Past(s)Application Deadline: 31 May 2021
Location: York
Duration: Fixed Term
The University of York (UoY) and Historic England (HE) are pleased to announce the availability of a fully funded Collaborative doctoral studentship from October 2021 under the AHRC's Collaborative Doctoral Partnership Scheme.
Entitled 'Informing our Heritage Future(s): Preserving our Digital Past(s)', this project will explore one of the most pressing challenges facing the heritage sector: the consistent capture, selection, and archiving of diverse digital data sets that ensure their future accessibility and interoperability by the public and historic environment stakeholders.
This project will be jointly supervised by Dr. Kate Giles and Kieron Niven (UoY) and David Andrews and Simon Taylor (HE).
The student will be expected to spend time at both the University of York and Historic England as well as becoming part of the wider cohort of CDP funded students across the UK.
The studentship can be studied either full or part-time.
The project will focus on the historic High Street, which is currently facing a period of unprecedented change as COVID accelerates long-term trends in retail and residential demand.
Developers and local authorities seek to support the sustainable development of this heritage asset to meet key challenges of economic and environmental sustainability, housing needs, and climate change.
Close attention will be paid to the formats of digital data sets generated by stakeholders, with particular emphasis on new developments in complex digital data sources such as laser scanning and LIDAR.
The capacity and potential of data management systems such as GIS and HBIM will support better sharing, accessibility, and interoperability within and between relevant stakeholders, aligning with HE's Heritage Information Access Strategy (HIAS).
Studentship Duration: Four years