Join us, bepart ofmore.
Weremore than an energy company.Werea family of brands revolutionising how we power the planet.We'reenergisers.
One team of 21,000colleaguesthat'senergisingagreener,fairerfuture bycreatinganenergysystemthatdoesntrelyon fossilfuelswhilstlivingourpowerfulcommitmenttoignitingpositivechangeinourcommunities.
Here,youcanfindmorepurpose,morepassion, andmorepotential.Thatswhyworkinghereis #MoreThanACareer.Wedoenergydifferentlywedo it all.Wemakeit, store it,moveit,sellit, andmendit.
About your team: At British Gas, our mission is tosell it andmend it.
Werethehousehold heroespowering1 in 3 homes in the UK but supplying energy is just part of what we do.Weremakingthe UKs homes greener and more energy efficient, with our friends at Hive.By using theirclever tech like thermostats, heat pumps, solarpanelsand EV chargers,weremaking it cheaper and easier to reduce your homescarbon-footprint.
And with our new Peak Saveprogramme,wereactively rewarding better energy use too.
Aboutyourrole: WeneedElectricianstojoin our teamof experiencedField Engineers, toensurethatour customersget the help they need, when they need it.Beingthereforourcustomersisourpriority.Youwillplaya pivotalpart inourBritish Gas' ServicePromise!
of samedayfix forourcustomers.
BaseSalaryis £39,797withuncappedOTE - £44,797is arealisticexpectationthroughourfantasticfield rewardscheme.
As a British Gas Electrician, you will bring us your extensive experience in all aspects of domestic electrical work including fault finding, installation and rewires (this would typically be a minimum of 2 yearsqualifiedexperience).
Your customer service skills and ability to solve problems will enable you to diagnose defectsandwork safely to ensure a first-time fix for yourcustomer andpromote British Gas products and services by giving professional advice.
Here'swhatwerelooking for: City & Guilds 2365 Parts 1 & 2 (or equivalent), culminating in a Level 3NVQcertificate including the National Electrotechnical Training (NET) AM2 certificate.
Evidence to show that you have been working in the electrical industry fora period of time.
Up to date City & Guilds 2382 - B.S.
7671 IET Wiring regulations certificate.
A City and Guilds 2391.52 (or equivalent) would be desirable.
Why shouldyouapply?
Were not aperfectplace,wereapeopleplace.Ourpriorityissupportingallof thedifferentrealitiesourpeopleface.Life isaboutsomuchmorethanwork.Wegetit.Thatswhywevedesignedourtotalrewardsto giveyoutheflexibilitytochoosewhatyouneed,whenyouneedit,makingsurethatyouandyourfamilyaresupportednotonlyfinancially, butphysicallyandemotionallytoo.
Ifyou'refull of energy, fired up about sustainability, and ready to craft not only a better tomorrow, but a better you, then come and find your purpose in a team where your voice matters, your growth is non-negotiable, and your ambitions are our priority.
Help us, help you.We would loveforyou to share any information about yourselfthroughout our recruitment processso that we can better understand you and help shape your journey.